Monday, July 21, 2008

What is "Spaceless"?

As I did some searching, I realized that the term "myspaceless" applies to those who have no My Space account. But then you might notice that's just one word, as contrasted to this blog's title "My Spaceless" -- two words. "Spaceless" simply implies that the Internet allows us to do our tasks without the limitations of geography.

Recently I found this old school-style web page called The content is about the Internet too -- even using the phrase "life online". Perhaps the site owner had the same definition of "spaceless" as I do. Here's a screenshot:

Anyway, here's a summary of what my "My SpaceLeSs" blog is about:

My SpaceLeSs talks about Internet business and education trends from an Asian perspective. It specializes on the topic of "ubiquity" which means appearing to be everywhere at once, hence its name. Topics range from IT conferences to programming and SEO.


ice9web said...

i guess your domain name was the reason it got many visitors since you used the myspaceless since you will also dominate the word "my space" and the domain "spaceless"
excellent choice of domain (^_^)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comments about - I will accept that it is 'old school'. The site has been up in various ways since 1994. Old school too because I never seem to get a chance to update it!! I honestly can't recall why spaceless seemed like a good idea at the time and probably something about having content but not really being 'anywhere'.

RadX said...

Wow, you actually own Awesome! You can probably sell it if you're no longer using it and make big bucks.